UA Local 669 - Sprinkler Fitters


Bobby Cooper

Business Manager

In 1986, one year after graduating high school, Bobby became a member of Local Union 669. From his start as an apprentice to his present position as Business Manager, one value has never changed and that is to give his best because the membership deserves nothing less. This value was instilled in him by his father, a 50-year member in 2018, who Bobby would like to thank for being a great role model to himself and countless others.

Married to Shannon and blessed with one son and three daughters, Bobby spends his free time watching their soccer games and going to events together as a family.


Kristopher Winget

Secretary Treasurer

In 1999, Kris began his apprenticeship in Salt Lake City, UT, marking the start of his journey in the sprinkler industry. His career path has taken him to various states, allowing him to accumulate valuable experience working with different systems.

In 2014, Kris was elected Business Agent of District 40. Building on this, he took on the role of Assistant Business Manager for the Western Region in 2022.

Throughout his time in the union, Kris has represented Local 669 at the 2016 and 2021 conventions as a delegate, demonstrating his commitment to the union's goals. Kris has also played a significant role in shaping industry standards through his contributions to the UA Technical Committee and his involvement in influencing NFPA standards.

In addition to his union duties, Kris has held notable positions within regional associations, serving as Vice President for both the NW States Association and the Mountain States Pipe Trades.

In 2023, Kris's commitment to service was further highlighted when he was elected Secretary-Treasurer.

Outside of work, Kris values spending quality time with his loved ones, whether it's through leisurely activities or enjoying the outdoors.

Carl Westby


Carl joined the Road Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 669 back in 1999 as a new apprentice. It was the start of an incredible journey that would shape his career and commitment to advocating for workers' rights.

Early on, he was elected as a finance committee member for the local, which gave him valuable insights into the union’s operations and its impact on our members. A few years later, he transitioned into the role of an organizer, where he found his true passion for advocating on behalf of unrepresented workers. Carl spent eight fulfilling years in that role, working tirelessly to ensure that our members had the support they needed.

Carl is proud to serve as your current President-Organizer. In this position, he is dedicated to empowering our members and fighting for fair pay and benefits for all workers. He believes in the power of solidarity and community, and will strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those he serves.

In addition to his union work, he cherishes his time with his beautiful wife, two kids and family dog. As a family, they love spending time together, whether it’s watching or playing sports, traveling the country together, camping with friends, hunting in the great outdoors, or kayaking on nearby rivers. Their kids are also heavily involved in sports at school, and it's been a joy to watch them grow and thrive through teamwork and competition.

Whether Carl is cheering on his kids from the sidelines or advocating for workers’ rights, he is dedicated to fostering a sense of community and support wherever he goes.

DuJuan Price

Vice President

In 2005, after serving eight years in the Army and returning home from Iraq, DuJuan (DJ) embarked on a career as a sprinkler fitter. He has been in this profession for 19 years, beginning with Local 676 in Rhode Island and Connecticut. In 2010, after graduating from apprentice school, Local 676 merged with Local 669.

DJ started working for the local union in 2022 as the Eastern Region Representative on the Negotiating Committee. In the same year, he advanced to the position of Eastern Regional Representative on the Executive Board. In his home state of Rhode Island, DJ has also served on the State Licensing Board, where his responsibilities are similar to those on the Executive Board.

DJ has been married to his wife, Cynthia, for over 23 years. They have three daughters and one son. He is a second-generation UA member, with his father being a retired member of Local 51 Pipefitters and his twin brother currently serving as the organizer for Local 51.

In his spare time, DJ enjoys watching and playing sports and spending time with his family.

UA Local 669 - Sprinkler Fitters

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